path: root/src/day15.exs
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authorAlexandre Jesus <>2024-12-15 15:51:07 +0000
committerAlexandre Jesus <>2024-12-15 15:51:07 +0000
commitf7d640f6c26921cdc65831a780470ccd93c53870 (patch)
tree1b019adb80fe61d883baa900ebe817ae592611e3 /src/day15.exs
parent2b62af01948904129db4835bf70adf1b8feaa95d (diff)
Day 15
Diffstat (limited to 'src/day15.exs')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/day15.exs b/src/day15.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f176918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/day15.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+defmodule Day15 do
+ defmodule Game do
+ @derive Inspect
+ defstruct [:grid, :robot, :moves]
+ def from_data(data) do
+ [grid, moves] = data
+ |> String.split("\n\n", trim: true)
+ grid = grid
+ |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
+ |> Enum.with_index()
+ |> Enum.flat_map(fn {s, i} ->
+ String.codepoints(s)
+ |> Enum.with_index()
+ |> {c, j} -> {{i, j}, c} end)
+ end)
+ |>
+ robot = grid
+ |> Enum.find_value(fn {pos, c} -> c == "@" and pos end)
+ moves = moves
+ |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
+ |> Enum.flat_map(&String.codepoints/1)
+ %Game{grid: grid, robot: robot, moves: moves}
+ end
+ def expand(game) do
+ grid = game.grid
+ |> Enum.flat_map(fn {{i, j}, v} ->
+ case v do
+ "." -> [{{i, j*2}, "."}, {{i, j*2+1}, "."}]
+ "@" -> [{{i, j*2}, "@"}, {{i, j*2+1}, "."}]
+ "O" -> [{{i, j*2}, "["}, {{i, j*2+1}, "]"}]
+ "#" -> [{{i, j*2}, "#"}, {{i, j*2+1}, "#"}]
+ end
+ end)
+ |>
+ robot = {elem(game.robot, 0), elem(game.robot, 1)*2}
+ %Game{grid: grid, robot: robot, moves: game.moves}
+ end
+ def do_moves(game) do
+ if game.moves == [] do
+ game
+ else
+ move(game)
+ |> do_moves()
+ end
+ end
+ defp move(game) do
+ [move | moves] = game.moves
+ moved? = check_moves(game.grid, move, game.robot) |> elem(0)
+ grid =
+ if moved? do
+ apply_move(game.grid, move, queue_new(game.robot))
+ else
+ game.grid
+ end
+ robot = if moved? do next_pos(game.robot, move) else game.robot end
+ %Game{grid: grid, robot: robot, moves: moves}
+ end
+ defp check_moves(grid, move, k, vis \\ do
+ if MapSet.member?(vis, k) do
+ {true, vis}
+ else
+ vis = MapSet.put(vis, k)
+ v = Map.fetch!(grid, k)
+ case v do
+ "." ->
+ {true, vis}
+ "#" ->
+ {false, vis}
+ "@" ->
+ check_moves(grid, move, next_pos(k, move), vis)
+ "O" ->
+ check_moves(grid, move, next_pos(k, move), vis)
+ "[" ->
+ nk = next_pos(k, move)
+ if move == "^" or move == "v" do
+ {oi, _} = k
+ {_, nj} = nk
+ {a1, vis} = check_moves(grid, move, nk, vis)
+ {a2, vis} = check_moves(grid, move, {oi, nj+1}, vis)
+ {a1 and a2, vis}
+ else
+ check_moves(grid, move, nk, vis)
+ end
+ "]" ->
+ nk = next_pos(k, move)
+ if move == "^" or move == "v" do
+ {oi, _} = k
+ {_, nj} = nk
+ {a1, vis} = check_moves(grid, move, nk, vis)
+ {a2, vis} = check_moves(grid, move, {oi, nj-1}, vis)
+ {a1 and a2, vis}
+ else
+ check_moves(grid, move, nk, vis)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ defp apply_move(grid, move, queue) do
+ if queue_empty(queue) do
+ grid
+ else
+ {pos, nv, queue} = queue_pop(queue, move)
+ v = Map.fetch!(grid, pos)
+ case v do
+ "#" ->
+ raise "Unexpected"
+ "." ->
+ apply_move(Map.put(grid, pos, nv), move, queue)
+ v ->
+ grid = Map.put(grid, pos, nv)
+ npos = next_pos(pos, move)
+ nv = Map.fetch!(grid, npos)
+ queue =
+ if (move == "^" or move == "v") and (nv == "[" or nv == "]") do
+ {i, j} = npos
+ j = if nv == "[" do j+1 else j-1 end
+ queue = queue_add(queue, npos, v)
+ queue_add(queue, {i, j}, ".")
+ else
+ queue_add(queue, npos, v)
+ end
+ apply_move(grid, move, queue)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ defp queue_add(queue, pos, v) do
+ case :gb_trees.lookup(pos, queue) do
+ :none ->
+ :gb_trees.insert(pos, v, queue)
+ {_, "."} ->
+ :gb_trees.update(pos, v, queue)
+ _ ->
+ queue
+ end
+ end
+ defp queue_pop(queue, move) do
+ if move == "^" do
+ :gb_trees.take_largest(queue)
+ else
+ :gb_trees.take_smallest(queue)
+ end
+ end
+ defp queue_new(robot) do
+ :gb_trees.insert(robot, ".", :gb_trees.empty())
+ end
+ defp queue_empty(queue) do
+ :gb_trees.is_empty(queue)
+ end
+ defp next_pos({i, j}, move) do
+ case move do
+ ">" -> {i, j+1}
+ "^" -> {i-1, j}
+ "<" -> {i, j-1}
+ "v" -> {i+1, j}
+ end
+ end
+ def print(game) do
+ w = game.grid |> {{_, j}, _} -> j end) |> Enum.max()
+ h = game.grid |> {{i, _}, _} -> i end) |> Enum.max()
+ for i <- 0..h do
+ for j <- 0..w, reduce: [] do
+ acc -> [Map.fetch!(game.grid, {i, j}) | acc]
+ end
+ |> Enum.reverse()
+ |> Enum.join("")
+ |> IO.puts()
+ end
+ game
+ end
+ end
+ def part1(data) do
+ data
+ |> Game.from_data()
+ |> Game.do_moves()
+ |> then(& &1.grid)
+ |> Enum.filter(fn {_, v} -> v == "O" end)
+ |> {{i, j}, _} -> i*100 + j end)
+ |> Enum.sum()
+ end
+ def part2(data) do
+ data
+ |> Game.from_data()
+ |> Game.expand()
+ |> Game.do_moves()
+ |> then(& &1.grid)
+ |> Enum.filter(fn {_, v} -> v == "[" end)
+ |> {{i, j}, _} -> i*100 + j end)
+ |> Enum.sum()
+ end
+data =, :eof)
+{time1, ans1} = -> Day15.part1(data) end)
+IO.puts("Time : #{time1 / 1000000}")
+IO.puts("Answer: #{ans1}")
+{time2, ans2} = -> Day15.part2(data) end)
+IO.puts("Time : #{time2 / 1000000}")
+IO.puts("Answer: #{ans2}")