path: root/day14.lisp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'day14.lisp')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/day14.lisp b/day14.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..346d1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day14.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+(defun read-lines (filespec)
+ (with-open-file (stream filespec)
+ (loop for line = (read-line stream nil)
+ while line
+ collect line)))
+(defun tilt-map-load (map)
+ (loop with lstpos = (make-array (length (first map)) :initial-element (1+ (length map)))
+ for line in map
+ for i = (length map) then (1- i)
+ sum (loop for c across line
+ for j below (length line)
+ sum (cond ((equal c #\O) (setf (aref lstpos j) (1- (aref lstpos j))))
+ ((equal c #\#) (setf (aref lstpos j) i) 0)
+ (t 0)))))
+(defun solve1 (filespec)
+ (let ((map (read-lines filespec)))
+ (tilt-map-load map)))
+(defun tilt-west (map)
+ (loop for line in map
+ do (loop with nxt = 0
+ for c across line
+ for j from 0
+ when (equal c #\O)
+ do (progn (when (/= nxt j)
+ (setf (aref line nxt) #\O
+ (aref line j) #\.))
+ (setf nxt (1+ nxt)))
+ when (equal c #\#)
+ do (setf nxt (1+ j))))
+ map)
+(defun rotate-clockwise (map)
+ (let ((map (reverse map)))
+ (loop for i below (length (first map))
+ collect (coerce (loop for line in map collect (aref line i)) '(string)))))
+(defun rotate-counter-clockwise (map)
+ (loop for i = (1- (length (first map))) then (1- i)
+ while (>= i 0)
+ collect (coerce (loop for line in map collect (aref line i)) '(string))))
+(defun map-load (map)
+ (loop for i = (length map) then (1- i)
+ for line in map
+ sum (loop for c across line
+ when (equal c #\O)
+ sum i)))
+(defun solve2 (filespec &optional (cycles 1000000000))
+ (let ((map (read-lines filespec))
+ (tab (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
+ (loop for i below cycles
+ do (progn (setf map (rotate-counter-clockwise map))
+ (loop repeat 4
+ do (setf map (rotate-clockwise (tilt-west map))))
+ (setf map (rotate-clockwise map)))
+ until (multiple-value-bind (val found-p) (gethash map tab)
+ (let ((prev (if found-p val (setf (gethash map tab) i))))
+ (if (and (> i prev) (= 1 (mod (- cycles i) (- i prev)))) t nil))))
+ (map-load map)))
+(print (solve1 "data/14/example.txt")) ;; 136
+(print (solve1 "data/14/input.txt")) ;; 109939
+(print (solve2 "data/14/example.txt")) ;; 64
+(print (solve2 "data/14/input.txt")) ;; 101010